Unlocking Leadership Coaching.

Hey, I'm Jen.

I'm a seasoned coach with nearly fifteen years’ experience in coaching, mentoring, and education. My mission is to help you claim the success that you deserve.

On paper you're 'successful' but somehow, you don't feel it. 


You're surrounded by people who have achieved great things, and you feel like your success is due to luck. Yet it was you who did it…. 


You have the ability and the skills, but you’re missing the confidence to fly. This is why you need me.


Imagine being able to:

●        Trust in yourself completely, knowing who you are and what you are truly capable of.

●        Have the confidence that you can handle any challenges that come your way, without judgement and guilt. You’ve got this!

●        Achieve the success you truly deserve.


I see you.

You daren’t say it out loud, but you want more professionally, and yes, you can have it. Deep down you know you can do and be more, but you won’t let yourself believe it - you don’t yet see what you’re truly capable of. 

This is where I come in.

You will be able to handle anything life throws your way.


With evidence based, bespoke coaching programmes tailored to your unique needs. I offer a range of services, including:

Next Level Leader

An intensive 8-week one-on-one action focused coaching experience. With a tried and tested road map that will help you to develop the confidence, self-worth, and resilience needed to step up into your next level of success. Say goodbye to self-doubt, stress and overwhelm.

The Unstoppable Leader

A transformational group coaching experience. Learn and grow with like-minded peers, developing confidence, resilience, and leadership skills through shared experiences and collective learning.

Bespoke Leadership and Resilience Coaching and Training for Organisations: 

Customised training programmes and workshops, designed to improve the resilience and leadership capabilities of your teams. Tailored to your businesses needs, we'll choose the right solution to suit your needs.

Proven Results: My methods are grounded in evidence and have consistently helped clients build a core of unshakable self-belief.

  In short, I help you turn self-doubt into confidence and overwhelm into resilience

And in doing so, you won't just get that next-level success, but you'll enjoy it!


“It was life changing, it was exactly what I needed.”

Claire Newton

“It has transformed my way of thinking which is life-changing. Self belief, I feel more confident and settled in my own skin,”


“Coaching was fascinating! I loved how personal it was, and although there was a loose plan and path to follow, Jen was able to guide me on the exact route depending on what had happened in my life that week, or how I personally responded to the questions she posed.

Somehow every week by the end of the session we circled back to the beginning and I was able to reflect with such clarity and understanding about myself!""

My biggest learning is that everything that's happened to me to date, has helped shape where I am right now and where I'm going in the future. I can't change the past, but I can learn from it, how I react to situations, engage with others and move forward is under my control. By reframing past experiences, situations and relationships, my mindset has totally changed into one that not only benefits me, but my team, my colleagues, my family and all those around me!”

Amanda Snowdon

“The coaching journey has been one of great self discovery and fulfillment. I have learned so much about what I am capable of doing but also all the areas in which I already thrive in. Accessing coaching has really helped to build my self confidence and belief in myself.  Jen has an amazing way of tapping into your true strength as an individual.

She is very skilled in being able to support your reflection process to get you to where you need to be. Accessing this coaching came at the best time for me whilst I was at a crossroads with my career and going through the sessions enabled me to land an exciting career development opportunity that I don’t think I would have been confident enough to access without the support of Jen."

Gwyneth Ataderie

Are you truly ready for life-changing transformations?

Take the first step towards unlocking your full potential.

Schedule a free connection call today and discover how my
coaching can help you build the unshakable self-belief you need to achieve your
rightful success.

EMCC Senior Practitioner

ICF Member

What makes your coaching different from others?

My approach is personalised and evidence-based, ensuring that you have a bespoke coaching experience tailored to your unique needs.

What results have you achieved?

●        Over 95% of my business comes from Word of Mouth from satisfied clients

●        A significant number of my clients have moved into new roles, roles that have felt like a great fit.

●        All have increased the ranking they give themselves from midway on a ten point scale to nearer an eight or nine in terms of confidence and self belief

●        Every client I’ve coached to date has testified to achieving an enormous change in their life Read testimonials here

Do you have a coaching qualification?

I do, I have a diploma in coaching and mentoring that was accredited by the EMCC. I have since been accredited by the EMCC as a Senior Practitioner Coach. This reflects the wealth of experience I have, the supervision I undertake and my commitment to continuing to develop and grow as a coach.

How many years experience do you have?

I have been mentoring, training and coaching for almost 15 years. During my time working in the NHS as a children’s intensive care (CICU) nurse, and then a CICU nurse educator, I have guided and supported many people through intensely stressful, and at times heart-breaking, situations. Being able to hold space for children, their families and the nurses caring for them, with compassion, understanding and guidance whilst being flexible in my approach to make sure it worked best for them - are the skills I most value from my nursing career that I bring to my coaching. 

What if I don't feel a connection during the first session?

I offer a risk-free first session. If after your first session you don’t feel like coaching is going to give you the results you are looking for I’ll refund you the price of the session.